Friday, July 28, 2006


Back to a little Depth and Dimension. Reading some of Ayn Rand this week. 20th century philosopher and novelist. Evangelistic in regard to her philosophy of Objectivism which is essentially humanist, often referred to as rational self-interest, but rejected by most liberals, humanists, modern day Marxists and relativists because of the inherent denial of altruism as a motive for anything. Brilliant person. Hanging on by the skin of my teeth just to grasp even her elementary arguments. Blatantly rejects possibility that God or a god is actively involved in our lives. BUT she has some political opinions that I share, including an aversion to contemporary egalitarian socio-political demands.

For instance, I love that she points out inherent conflicting values of the modern-day liberals when they emphasize equality as a foundation for societal policies – ignoring their stated valuing of individualism and achievement. Then Rand also ask the question about what happens when wealth, income and power are shared equally among all, “regardless of competence, character, knowledge, achievement, or brains.”

And more to the point here, given that Christians may rightly have different opinions about this issue of egalitarianism, she provides some insight for all of us about having an impact with our worldview. One of her disciples asked how we can possible make a difference and her answer is that we should just SPEAK. When someone says something we disagree with (given our Biblical Worldview), don’t let it slide by unanswered (and thus silently condoned). Don’t preach everytime an issue comes up, but at least say, “I disagree,” and be ready to explain why you disagree if an explanation is requested. This requires two things; first that we take the time and energy to know what we believe and what we don’t believe and why, and second that we muster the courage to disagree with people we work with and live with instead of letting their worldview prevail unanswered. Good stuff.


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