Friday, October 28, 2005

Back to Colossians

2:13-14 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.

Chapter 3 I understand pretty well, and love to read. Chapter 2 – not so much.
Uncircumcision of my sinful nature? Cancelled the written code?

I’ll have to keep working on that, but for some reason it reminds me of this song:

There are ghosts from my past who own more of my soul
Than I thought I had given away
They linger in closets and under my bed and in pictures less proudly displayed
A great fool in my life I have been, have squandered till pallid and thin
Hung my head in shame and refused to take blame for the darkness I know I let win

So turn on the light and reveal all the glory
I am not afraid to bare all my weakness
Knowing in meeknes I have a kingdom to gain
Where there is peace and love in the light, in the light
I am not afraid to let your light shine bright in my life, in my life

Jennifer Knapp, Martyrs and Theives

Yes, I think that does help me understand Colossians 2 a little bit better.


At 28/10/05 09:08, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 31/10/05 08:48, Blogger eets said...

that song gives me goosebumps. Always loved it.

p.s.- noticed you removed a comment. You can set it up so you won't get the various nasty automated things out there. Mike can tell you how (I forgot) but basically you can set it up so only a person can post.

At 31/10/05 19:38, Blogger Roy B. said...

You're right, Eric. That deleted comment was from some anonymous yahoor - probably automatically generated. I'll check with Mike to see how to block those.. or I might nose around blogspot a bit myself and figure it out.


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